Trump Mexico Tariffs. Also, New Cuba Travel Bans.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12
PROGRAM # 8627 12:00 PM PT

Trump Mexico Tariffs.

President Trump announced new tariffs on Mexican imports that are set to begin this week. Analysts examine the latest news, including what has transpired on the talks between Mexico and US officials in Washington, the impact of this threat on the markets and on border states, and the reaction among leaders of the Republican Senate.

Guest: Laura Carlsen, Political Analyst and Director of Americas Program, Center for International Policy, Mexico, D.F.

New Cuba Travel Bans. The Trump administration announced new travel restrictions on Cuba, banning group tours for “people to people” educational purposes and visits through cruise ships. Recently, the White House had announced new limits on the amount of money Cuban Americans can send to relatives and had allowed US citizens to sue foreign businesses that use property seized during the Cuban Revolution. The White House claims these measures are in retaliation for Cuba’s support to Venezuela and Nicaragua.

Guest: Bill Martinez, Immigration Attorney, Expert on Cuba, Concord, CA



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