Afro-Mexicans. Also, Merequetengue.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JANUARY 20
PROGRAM # 8785 12:00 PM PT


This program, a Martin Luther King Jr Holiday special, features an interview with a distinguished expert on Afro-Mexican history. He comments on a recent constitutional amendment granting Afro-Mexican peoples new rights, including the right to self-determination and access to government resources for public programs. How will the law translate into daily-life regulations to put an end to exclusion? Will public attitudes and political discourse change as a result?

Guest: Dr. Alvaro Ochoa Serrano, Historian Researcher, Colegio de Michoacán, Author of Book “Afrodescendants,” Zamora, MX.

Merequetengue. Calling merequetengue a joyful and flavorful rhythm that best represents the essence of the Black people in the coastlands of Southern Mexico, a folk band leader from Oaxaca has undertaken the mission of promoting Afro-Mexican music in the US. Based in California’s Central Valley, his regional band “Los Hijos de la Banda” is blending merequetengue with cumbia, charanga, and the more traditional chilena from the area.

Guest: Fernando Eloy Baños, Founder and Director, “Los Hijos de la Banda,” Bakersfield, CA. (Now in Pinotepa Nacional, Oax)


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