Buffer Zones for Pesticides.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, AUGUST 24.
PROGRAM # 7593 12:00 PM PT

Buffer Zones for Pesticides.

Hazardous agricultural pesticides are sprayed near hundreds of public schools in California. Exposure to pesticide vapors and dust can have serious risks of cancer, autism, asthma and learning disorders in kids. Latino schoolchildren are most at risk of exposure to fumigants and other pesticides. What action is being taken to protect the health of those school kids? Time for expanded school buffer zones?

Guests: Valerie Gorospe, Community Organizer, Center for Race, Poverty and the Environment, Delano, CA, www.crpe-ej.org; Angel García, Community Organizer, El Quinto Sol de América, Lindsay, CA, www.elquintosoldeamerica.org; Margaret Reeves, Senior Scientist, Pesticides Action Network of North América, San Francisco, CA, www.panna.org.


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