Trump Exits Paris Climate Agreement.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7
PROGRAM # 8083 12:00 PM PST.

Trump Exits Paris Climate Agreement.

President Trump announced the US will withdraw from the historic Paris Climate Agreement, claiming American business and jobs are first. The US is the world’s biggest carbon polluter in history. What would be the impact of this move on the fight against global warming? What does it mean for emissions of greenhouse gases in the US? And for the US economy and finances? What communities would be the hardest hit? What can states and local governments do to shape climate policy and protect their communities and the planet? Can the presidential action be stopped?

Guests: Adrianna Quintero, Founder and Executive Director, Voces Verdes, Director of Partner Engagement, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), San Francisco, CA; Alvaro Sánchez, Director, Environmental Equity Program, Greenlining Institute, Oakland, CA.


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