Trump Against California Clean Car Rules. Also, Youth Climate Activism.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23
PROGRAM # 8700 12:00 PM PT

Trump Against California Clean Car Rules.

President Trump announced he is revoking California authority to regulate its own air quality, setting up the ground for an intense legal battle. California has been allowed to set its own air pollution standards for cars, which are stricter than the federal ones, through a clean car waiver. Now Trump is cancelling that right. Analysts discuss the ramifications.

Guest: Linda Escalante, Director, Southern California Legislative Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council, Santa Monica, CA.

Youth Climate Activism. Last week, Swedish teen environmental activist Greta Thunberg spoke before Capitol Hill hearings and led a call for a youth climate strike in many countries urging action to deal with the climate change emergency. Thunberg will travel through Mexico and Latin America to attend NNUU’s climate summit in December in Chile.

Guest: Leila Salazar-López, Executive Director, Amazon Watch, San Francisco, CA.


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