Sierra Club Elects First Latino President. Air Pollution in Times of Covid-19. Lifeline for Essential Workers.

Wednesday_673x324(2)WEDNESDAY, MAY 27
PROGRAM # 8897 12:00 PM PT

Sierra Club Elects First Latino President.

The Sierra Club has elected Puerto Rican Ramón Cruz its national president, the first Latino to hold that position in the Club’s 128-year history. In this conversation, Cruz talks about the decade-long journey of the organization, from conservationism to environmental justice; the lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic and the recommendations for economic recovery and finding a “new normality,” and his plans to confront head on the Trump administration anti-environmental agenda.

Guest: Ramón Cruz, President, The Sierra Club, New York, NY.

Air Pollution in Times of Covid-19. Coronavirus patients in areas with dirty air are more likely to die from the disease compared to patients who live in areas with less air pollution. An environmental activist talks about this finding, as well as efforts in California legislature to oppose the halting of state regulations that reduce toxic emissions in the freight system; and the plans by e-commerce giant Amazon to open its western freight hub at San Bernardino International Airport.

Guest: Anthony Victoria-Midence, Communications Director, Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice, Jurupa Valley, CA

Lifeline for Essential Workers. One in three grocery store employees say their companies have not instituted new workplace cleaning procedures and protecting gear to help them survive the Covid-19 crisis. Many workers were not notified of fellow employees who were infected or died of Covid-19 and have been forced to work in areas where employees who tested positive worked. New York’s Attorney General Office is looking into workers complaints.

Guest: Nathalia Alejandra Varela, Associate Counsel, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, New York, NY.

Photo: Ramon Cruz/Twitter

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