Parks for All.

Thursday 2_673x324THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17.
PROGRAM # 7611 12:00 PM PT

Parks for All.

Latino residents in rural areas around the nation live in neighborhoods that are poor in parks and green space, and urban greenery is associated with health benefits. In Fresno, CA, a city among the lowest-ranking in a national study on access to parks, a movement named “Parks4All” is urging the local government to address the shortage of parks, and bridge the big gap in access to parkland in the affluent north of the city and the poor, park-deprived south lands.

Guests: Dr. Xavier Morales, Executive Director, Latino Coalition for a Healthy California, Sacramento, CA,; Leticia Corona, Policy Advocate, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability, Fresno, CA,; Esmeralda Soria, Councilmember, District 1, Fresno City Council, Fresno, CA,


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