California Legislative Review.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10.
PROGRAM # 7606 12:00 PM PT

California Legislative Review.

A landmark bill to fight climate change by reducing gas consumption was gutted, leaving vulnerable communities and children at greater risk of asthma attacks and other ills from toxic smog. Also, a bill named SB 4 or Health for All Children, which would let undocumented minors to enroll in Medi-Cal, is scheduled to be voted at any minute by the state Assembly. The bill is expected to get the green light, after one provision allowing the undocumented to buy health plans in the state insurance market exchange, and another one allowing undocumented adults to apply for Medi-Cal benefits were moved to next year’s legislative session. A legislative leader and political analysts examine these developments.

Guests: Sen. Ben Allen, D-Santa Monica, Sacramento, CA; Nancy Marisa Gomez, Southern California Program Director, Health Access, Glendale, CA,; Carolina Gameros, Communications Associate, California Immigrant Policy Center, Los Angeles, CA,

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

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