Bans on Toxic Pesticides.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22
PROGRAM # 8408 12:00 PM PT

Bans on Toxic Pesticides.

In a landmark case, Monsanto has been ordered to pay 289 million in damages to a terminally-ill man with cancer. The judge found Roundup weedkiller caused the man’s cancer and Monsanto “acted with malice and oppression.” On other news, a federal court order Trump’s EPA to ban chlorpyrifos, a farm pesticide linked to children’s health problems and gave the agency two months to ban the product. The program begins with the story of the day: two close associates of Donald Trump either pleaded guilty or were found guilty of bank and tax fraud, among other charges, and now face prison.

Guests: Margaret Reeves, Senior Scientist, Pesticide Action Network, San Francisco, CA; Eriberto Fernandez, Research and Policy Coordinator, United Farm Workers Foundation, Bakersfield, CA.


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