Protections Against Extreme Heat Risks.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, JUNE 16
PROGRAM # 9656 12:00 PM PT

Protections Against Extreme Heat Risks.

As Oregon’s heat-related deaths escalated in last year’s heatwave and the state is facing another blistering summer, the state’s OSHA is adopting new protections for workers exposed to extreme heat and wildfire smoke. The new Oregon standards, among the strongest in the nation, apply to outdoor workers in agriculture, forestry, construction and other industries. Scientists warn that climate change is bringing new and deadlier risks from extreme heat for millions of outdoor workers around the US.

Guests: Ricardo Vázquez, Developer of Bilingual Programs, Oregon OSHA, Salem, OR; Arturo Sarmiento, Station Manager, KTUP-Radio Poder, Former Firefighter and Farmworker, Salem, OR; J. Pablo Ortiz-Partida, Climate Scientist, Union of Concerned Scientists, Oakland, CA.

Photo: CDC

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