Protecting Field Workers Against Toxic Smoke. Also, Rural, Young Adults Hit Hard by Covid.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22
PROGRAM # 9388 12:00 PM PDT

Protecting Field Workers Against Toxic Smoke.

A bill sitting in California Gov. Newsom’s desk would designate farm laborers as “essential workers” and would give them access to N-95 masks, the kind of masks healthcare workers wear, to protect against wildfire smoke particles during the harvest season. Will the masks work? Will they really help keep farm workers safe from the hazards and perils in the fields?

Guest: Nadia López, News Reporter, The Fresno Bee/ The Central Valley News Collaborative, Fresno, CA.

Rural, Young Adults Hit Hard by Covid. Isolated communities in remote, rural areas in Northern California, once shielded from the spread of coronavirus, have now become a Covid-19 hotspot after a recent surge of the Delta variant. Unvaccinated, young Latinos are dying at alarmingly high rates. A journalist visited the epicenter of the Delta surge in Northern California and brings news on how Covid exploded in these communities and the false rumors surrounding the Covid vaccines.

Guest: Manuel Ortiz, Journalist, Sociologist, Ethnic Media Services, Director, Peninsula 360 Press, San Francisco, CA


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