LA’s First Heat Officer. Also, The Heat Mapping Project.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, JUNE 30
PROGRAM # 9670 12:00 PM PT

LA’s First Heat Officer.

As California enters another hot summer, Los Angeles became the latest city to appoint its first-ever heat chief officer. Marta Segura is charged with overseeing the response to extreme heat waves, the deadliest climate risk facing the city, and reducing heat-related deaths and hospitalizations. Plans include planting more trees to provide cover, ensuring new buildings have adequate cooling, creating a plan for an early warning system, and improving the network of public cooling centers. In this interview, the chief explains her plans.

Guest: Marta Segura, Chief Heat Officer, Founding Climate Mobilization Director, City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

The Heat Mapping Project. San Francisco is particularly vulnerable to extreme heat and experiences higher increases in emergency department visits during extreme heat events compared to the rest of the state. The city will now join other U.S. cities in a national project called Urban Heat Watch to identify urban heat islands by attaching heat sensors to their vehicles. This will allow the City to measure how temperatures differ from neighborhood to neighborhood, draft a map and address health inequities related to extreme heat events. An official in charge talks about the expected outcomes and the plans to protect vulnerable residents from the worst effects of extreme heat, and a scientist provides perspective on the project.

Guests: Alex Morrison, Project Lead Subject Matter Expert, San Francisco Office of Resilience and Capital Planning, San Francisco, CA; Dr. Juan Declet-Barreto, Climate Scientist, Union Of Concerned Scientists, Silver Spring, MD


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