Clean Air Plan for Largest Ports: A Debate. Also, Open Enrollment Kicks Off Amid Confusion.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1
PROGRAM # 8190 12:00 PM PST.

Clean Air Plan for Largest Ports: A Debate.

The US two largest ports have a plan to move to zero-emissions technology. The Clean Air Action Plan of Los Angeles and Long Beach, which are the largest single source of air pollution in Southern California, seeks to improve health and reduce greenhouse emissions. Environmentalists want faster action to cut toxic emissions, while truckers and terminal operators question the cost to private companies and the local economy. A vote on the plan is scheduled for the next hours. Also, federal lawmakers from the area are introducing bills in Congress to deal with the issue of low wages and poor working conditions for the port truck drivers of the nation, and to improve the air quality for those who live and work around the port areas.

Guests: Jessica Alvarenga, Manager of Governmental Affairs, Pacific Merchant Shipping Association, Long Beach, CA; Evangelina Ramirez, Community Activist, Wife of Truck Driver and Mother of Kids Affected by Air Pollution, Long Beach, CA; Congresswoman Nanette Díaz Barragán, (CA-44)Washington, D.C.

Open Enrollment Kicks Off Amid Confusion. As millions around the nation begin enrolling today in the health insurance markets, California makes a special effort to dispel the widespread confusion over whether ACA still exists. California and two other states have also extended to three months, the shortened federal period.

Guest: Lizelda Lopez, Spokesperson, CoveredCA, Sacramento, CA


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