First Ranking Alerts for Heat Waves.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24
PROGRAM # 9451 12:00 PM PDT

First Ranking Alerts for Heat Waves.

As extreme heat waves worsen every year, causing more deaths and injuries than all other extreme weather events, California leaders are taking action to stop this “silent killer”. State leaders are proposing to establish the nation’s first ranking system for heat waves. This is a recommendation contained in a report on climate insurance released earlier this year. The new report is aimed at protecting low-income communities, seniors, and those without insurance who are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The sponsor of the initiative talks about its merits and the road ahead in the legislature. Also, a farmworker advocate talks about the tragic toll that heat waves are having among workers in the fields and how this community will be among the ones that would benefit the most from the new plan to classify heat waves.

Guests: Ricardo Lara, California State Insurance Commissioner, Los Angeles, CA; Eriberto Fernandez, Government Affairs Deputy Director, UFW Foundation, Bakersfield, CA.


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