“Worse than Flint II.”

Monday_673x324 (2)MONDAY, APRIL 3
PROGRAM # 8033 12:00 PM PST.

“Worse than Flint II.”

In this second hour of the panel aired in simulcast by Radio Bilingüe and KPFK from Los Angeles, neighbors and community activists talk about the consequences of living in this highly-poisoned area of East Los Angeles. The area was contaminated with lead and arsenic by a local smelting plant. They complain about the slow pace of the cleanup work, the double standard when dealing with environmental crisis in poor and Latino vs. affluent and White neighborhoods, and urge authorities to issue a declaration of public health emergency.

Guests: Felipe Aguirre, Former Mayor of Maywood, Director, Comite ProUNo; Violeta Alvarez, Former Mayor of Bell; Teresa Marquez, President, Mothers of East LA, Grandmother of Impacted Children; Martha Jimenez, Terrace Community Activist, Member, Advisory Committee, California Department of Toxic Substances Control, Boyle Heights, CA; Joe Gonzalez, Affected Neighbor, Cancer Patient, Community Activist; Charlene Contreras, Expert on Environmental Helath, Department of Public Health, County of Los Angeles; Alberto Rivadeneyra, Nurse, Department of Public Health, County of Los Angeles; Doctor James Dahlgren, Environmental Health Scientist; Rocío Maya, Member of the Public; Karin López, Community Activist, South Gate, CA.

Photo: hildalsolis.org

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