Heat Wave Fuels Fires. Fires: Home Hardening. Disaster Aid and Latinos.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JUNE 21
PROGRAM # 9293 12:00 PM PDT

Heat Wave Emergency.

A scorching heat wave across the western United States, is bringing record temperatures to California, Arizona, Nevada, and other states and the extreme temperatures can lead to dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, according to National Weather Service excessive heat warnings. Who are the most at risk? What to do in high risk and very high risk situations? How to keep your family safe?

Fires: Home Hardening.

High temperatures have provoked wildfires in eight states. Embers carried by the wind are the most common cause of home ignition and wildfire spreading. How to have a wildfire safe home? An expert discusses how to build and design the home to resist a fire, and how to select, place and maintain fire resistant landscape and near-home vegetation.

Guest: Victoria Ramirez-Gomez, AmeriCorps Disaster Team Member T5, American Red Cross, Los Angeles Region, Los Angeles, CA.

Farm Worker Protections Against Extreme Heat and Toxic Smoke.

Since rules for wildfire smoke and excessive heat are not scheduled until the Fall season, farm worker leaders are urging Oregon’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration authorities to have emergency measures sooner, in preparation for the upcoming wildfire season and summer heat and to protect farm workers against high heat and smoke events.

Guest: Ira Cuello-Martinez, Climate Policy Associate, PCUN – Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste, Salem, OR.

Disaster Aid and Latinos.

Communities of color are the hardest hit by weather disasters, such as the fires fueled by extreme weather, but receive the least federal aid after an extreme weather event. How to address these disparities? How to reduce wildfire risks, strengthen drought management systems, and reduce the potential for ignition? An advocate comments on investments to include in the new infrastructure package.

Guest: Antonieta Cádiz, Spokesperson, Climate Power 2020, Houston, TX.

Photo: spokanepublicradio.org

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