Another Push to Ban Toxic Pesticide. Also, Rating the Fight Against Cancer.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, AUGUST 15
PROGRAM # 8673 12:00 PM PT

Another Push to Ban Toxic Pesticide.

Health and labor groups are suing the Trump administration after its environmental agency refused to ban a widely used pesticide, linked to permanent brain damage in young children and farmworker poisonings. Last month, the EPA gave the green light to the use of the neurotoxic chlorpyrifos on fruits and vegetables.

Guest: Sarait Martínez, Organizing Director, Californians for Pesticide Reform, San Francisco, CA (TBC).

Rating the Fight Against Cancer. According to advocates of cancer patients, more than half of the states are making progress in policies in the fight against cancer, while 18 states are falling short. Only three states are doing well, among them California. Advocates call on states to improve access to health care for low-income families and urge Congress to keep patient protections in the health care law and improve health insurance coverage of cancer care.

Guest: Spokesperson, American Cancer Society-Cancer Action Network, Sacramento, CA.


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