New Heat Wave Ranking Law. Oregon on High Alert for Wildfires. From Burning Hills to Polluted Water Supply.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19
PROGRAM # 9749 12:00 PM PT

New Heat Wave Ranking Law.

As record-breaking heat waves exploded in California, Gov. Newsom signed a law to establish a first-in-the-nation heatwave ranking and warning system to protect communities that are most at risk to these deadly climate threats. The law would also improve access to insurance for climate-related threats. The top sponsor of the legislation explains the new law.

Guest: Ricardo Lara, Insurance Commissioner, State of California, Los Angeles, CA.

Oregon on High Alert for Wildfires. Oregon is seeking a federal emergency declaration for wildfires as a large area of the state is still burning and the weather conditions are still dangerous. Authorities credit recent state funding for fire response for the quick contention of a recent fire in Salem despite facing strong gusty wind, fifty-foot-high flames, and a red flag warning. The crews were ready and able to respond.

Guest: Arturo Sarmiento, Station Manager, KUPN, Salem, OR.

From Burning Hills to Polluted Water Supply. The city of Las Vegas in New Mexico, a community that’s recovering from a devastating wildfire, has only weeks of fresh water left. The area was hit by unusual rain storms and the rainfall washed the toxic debris on the burned hillsides into the water system. Now, one of the city’s reservoirs is filled with water contaminated with ash particles. What are local officials doing to secure a clean drinking water source before time runs out?

Guest: Louis Trujillo, Mayor, Las Vegas, NM.


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