New Heatwave Emergency Alert Law. Also, US Blood Shortage.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29
PROGRAM # 9761 12:00 PM PT

New Heatwave Emergency Alert Law.

As record-breaking heat waves exploded in California, Gov. Newsom signed a law to establish a first-in-the-nation heatwave ranking and warning system to protect communities that are most at risk to these deadly climate threats. The law would also improve access to insurance for climate-related threats. The top sponsor of the legislation explains the new law.

Guest: Ricardo Lara, Insurance Commissioner, State of California, Los Angeles, CA.

US Blood Shortage. During the Covid pandemic, less people showed up to donate blood and less blood drives were organized, causing a shortage of the blood supply in the United States. Doctors and hospitals are now more selective about blood transfusions and cancer and trauma patients are most at risk. Why are there fewer younger donors and blood centers?

Guests: TBA.

Photo: Cal OES via Facebook

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