Fracking Bans. Also, Bullet Train: Breaking Ground.

Thursday 2_673x324New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that hydraulic fracturing (fracking) will be banned in New York. And recently, in California, in a major defeat to the oil industry, voters in two counties passed fracking bans. An environmental analyst explores the ramifications of these developments.

Guests: Javier Sierra, Spokesperson, Sierra Club, Washington, DC.

Also, Bullet Train: Breaking Ground. California Gov. Brown breaks ground on construction of a statewide high-speed train, the nation’s first high-speed rail system in Fresno. Voters approved issuing $10 billion in bonds to pay for the project. Commentators discuss the hurdles ahead for the nation’s largest construction project.

Guest: Elizabeth Jonasson,  Spokesperson, California High Speed Rail, Fresno, CA.

Photo: bill baker/Flickr

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