Pipeline Permit Denied at Standing Rock. Also, Post-Election Transition.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, DECEMBER 5
PROGRAM # 7946 12:00 PM PST.

Pipeline Permit Denied at Standing Rock.

The US Army refused a permit to build the Dakota Access pipeline through Lake Oahe, the Missouri River and the Sioux Tribe’s sacred grounds. Indigenous leaders call this a historic action while pledging to stay vigilant.

Guests: Mario Luna, Spokesperson and Secretary of Traditional Authority, Yaqui Tribe, Cheran, Michoacan, Mexico; Tony Gonzales, Director, American Indian Movement AIM-WEST, San Francisco, CA.

Post-Election Transition. Gov. Brown nominated US Rep. Xavier Becerra to be California’s attorney general, in what is seen as a signal that the state will fight the Trump administration in any attempts to undo California’s progress on immigrant rights, climate change and health care. And Juan Hernández, a top Latino Republican analyst, shares his views on Trump’s transition team.

Guests: Antonio Gonzalez, President, Southwest Voter Registration Project, Los Angeles, CA; Juan Hernandez, Former Top Republican Analyst, Mexico City, MX.

Photo: ww2.kqed.org

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