Deadly Heat Wave. Also, Early Wildfires.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JULY 7
PROGRAM # 9310 12:00 PM PDT

Deadly Heat Wave. A deadly heat wave is scorching the Pacific Northwest, an area that’s largely unprepared to deal with weather like the current record-breaking temperatures. Dozens have died, power cables have melted, and roads have buckled because of the unprecedented heat wave. Migrant workers are bearing the brunt of this weather crisis. It’s a “true health crisis,” “the beginning of a permanent emergency, ” say officials. Reporters also go over new, emergency rules being crafted in Oregon and Washington to protect farm workers against heat exposure and illnesses.

Guests: Arturo Sarmiento, Station Manager, KTUP-Radio Poder, Salem, OR; Francisco Rios, News Director, KDNA, Granger, WA.

Early Wildfires. With the wildfire season ahead of schedule, wildfires are burning across California’s Central Valley, forcing evacuations. A spokesperson for California state’s fire agency reports on the most dangerous zones for wildfires, the need to be on fire alert both on rural and urban areas, and the steps for homeowners to protect against wildfires. Listeners comment on the need for better enforcement of building codes, banning development in forested areas, and smarter use of technology to combat fires.

Guest: Connie Guerrero, Fire Prevention Specialist, Cal-Fire, Sacramento, CA.

Photo: Sol’s Civic Minute/Twitter

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