Keystone XL Pipeline Showdown. Also, Islamophobia’s Rise.

Thursday 2_673x324

The Republican-controlled Congress passed a bill to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline. President Obama has promised to veto it, demanding time to determine whether the project is in the national interest. A top Democrat congressmember comments on this confrontation.

Guest: Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Los Angeles, Chair of the House Democratic Caucus.

Also, Islamophobia’s Rise. President Obama called on the nation and leaders of sixty nations to unite against the war on extremism and terrorism, while warning about the public backlash against Muslim communities in the U.S. A leader of young U.S. Muslims gives his opinions on the shooting in Copenhague and Paris, the killings in Chapel Hill, NC, and the growing anti-Muslim atmosphere and hate crimes around the U.S.

Guest: Uthman Villegas, National Outreach Deputy Director, Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, Chicago, IL

Photo: Rainforest Action Network/Flickr

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