Pesticides and Autism. Also, Children Working in Tobacco Fields.


Children of farmworking mothers exposed to pesticides are more likely to have developmental problems or autism. Women who lived near farms were at risk of having children with autism, according to a scientific study. This is a conversation with an expert in regards to the study.

Guest: Dr. Virginia Chaidez, Evaluation Analyst, UC Davis, Davis, CA,

Also, Children Working in Tobacco Fields. Thousands of children from North Carolina and surrounding states work on tobacco farming from the age of 14 to support their families. High temperatures and exposure to nicotine and pesticides jeopardize their health. A former worker recounts her experience and comments on some of the side effects of working in the tobacco fields, such as blisters, nauseas and heat stress. A union leader who organizes in the area suggests actions for better working conditions for farmworkers.


Guests: Yesenia Cuello, ex-worker of tobacco fields (as an adolescent) and member of Public Relations for North Carolina Focus on Increasing Education Leadership and Dignity, Kinston, NC, ; Baldemar Velásquez, President of Farm Labor Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO, Toledo, OH,

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