The Worst Firestorms. Also, Puerto Rico Aid Threatened.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, OCTOBER 16
PROGRAM # 8178 12:00 PM PST.

The Worst Firestorms.

Massive firestorms continue raging in Northern California. Several communities have been destroyed, tens of thousands evacuated, and hundreds have been hospitalized. Public officials and reporters provide the latest news on the state of the wildfires, the areas under evacuation orders and those where the orders have been lifted, the protections and relief for the evacuees, the repopulation plans, the risk to the health of people in surrounding communities exposed to the heavy smoke, the risks of cleaning up toxic debris, the alert on price gouging, and the availability of bilingual assistance.

Guests: Hugo Mata, Radio Programmer, KBBF Radio, Santa Rosa, CA; Alegría de la Cruz, Chief Deputy County Counsel, County of Sonoma, Sonoma, CA

Puerto Rico Aid Threatened. Trump threatened to withdraw federal relief workers and aid from Puerto Rico as the hurricane-ravaged island is still struggling to recover from the devastation. Meantime, the House approved a disaster aid package to help victims of the hurricanes and wildfires. The organizer of a civil support effort repudiates Trump’s threats and comments on reports about Puerto Ricans drinking from toxic water wells, the solidarity from the Puerto Rican diaspora, the debate on the Jones Act, and the efforts to assist Puerto Ricans who move to the mainland to find refuge.

Guests: Rep. Nydia Velazquez, D-NY, New York, NY (Audio Segment) ; Irene Vilar, Executive Director, Americas for Conservation + The Arts, Mexico-Puerto Rico Resilience Fund, Boulder, CO.


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