The Pope’s Call on Climate. Ahold USA Signs on to Fair Food Program.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JULY 29.
PROGRAM # 7575 12:00 PM PT

The Pope’s Call on Climate.

Faith leaders from California’s San Joaquin Valley who attended the World Meeting of Popular Movements in Bolivia met in Fresno to discuss Pope Francis’ call to action on climate change. This agricultural valley has the state’s worst air pollution and asthma rates and is among the hardest hit by the current drought. The program includes comments on leading climate legislation moving forward at the state capitol.

Guests: Carmen Medrano, Regional Coordinator, PICO – Faith in the Valley, Fresno, CA; Verónica Garibay, Co-director, Leadership Council for Justice and Accountability, Fresno, CA; Maura Fabian, Drought-Affected Farm Worker, Member of PICO – Faith in the Valley, Selma, CA.

Ahold USA Signs on to Fair Food Program. Ahold USA, parent company to Stop and Shop and other store chains, has signed on to Florida farmworkers’ Fair Food Program, the first major U.S. grocer to join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in this human rights program. A labor leader and co-signer of the agreement shares details of the news-breaking story.

Guest: Gerardo Reyes, Co-coordinator, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Immokalee, FL,


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