The Waters of Wrath. Also, Organic Farming in Cuba.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17
PROGRAM # 7859 12:00 PM PT

The Waters of Wrath.

A leader of the Yaqui tribe in Northern Mexico visits California to speak about the major Yaqui River land grab behind the development of the aqueduct to reroute the waters of the formerly mighty river to Hermosillo. Contrary to official accounts, the aqueduct was built to serve the water needs of the capital city’s industrial zone, which houses plants of transnational corporations such as Coca Cola, Pepsico, and Ford. Do these companies bear any responsibility in the controversial water plans in the arid state of Sonora?

Guest: Mario Luna, Secretary for the Traditional Authority of the Yaqui Tribe and Spokesperson for the Yaqui Movement to Defend the Yaqui River Water, Former Political Prisoner, Richmond, CA.

Organic Farming in Cuba. After the collapse of the Soviet Bloc, a number of farms in Cuba went organic to deal with the sudden loss of agrochemicals and oil. During that crisis, the Vivero Alamar was founded in a barrio in the outskirts of Havana. A member of that farming co-op visits California and talks about the conversion to organic, sustainable practices used to grow vegetables in this thriving urban farm.

Guest: Isis Salcines, Agroecologist, Coordinator of International Relations for Urban Farm Cooperative Viveros Alamar in Havana, Cuba, Richmond, CA.


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