Deadliest Police. Also, Fire Disaster: The Recovery.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6
PROGRAM # 8215 12:00 PM PST.

Deadliest Police.

In the first anniversary of the death of 73-year-old Francisco Serna at the hands of Bakersfield police, national advocates convene in this city in Central California to raise attention to the high number of deaths by Kern County police and the lack of accountability for cops violence by the local government. Local law enforcement forces have been considered “America’s deadliest police.”

Guests: Laura Serna, Daughter of Francisco Serna, Bakersfield, CA; Juan Cartagena, President and General Counsel, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, New York, NY.

Fire Disaster: The Recovery. Two months after deadly wildfires devastated the winemaking valleys of Sonoma and Napa, the communities are struggling in the long way to recovery. A reporter and a county official report on the damages and talk about the help available for the most vulnerable fire victims and displaced families. This program includes a report on the raging wildfires in Los Angeles, which have burned tens of thousands of acres and forced the evacuation of hundreds of thousands people.

Guests: Belia Eugenia Ramos, District Supervisor, Napa County, Napa, CA.


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