Monarch Butterfly and Vaquita Marina.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JULY 23.
PROGRAM # 7571 12:00 PM PT

Monarch Butterfly and Vaquita Marina.

The Vaquita is considered the most endangered marine mammal in the world and lives in the Gulf of California. Due to overfishing, today there are less than 100 vaquitas in the world. Likewise, the monarch butterfly population, that used to be common in Canada, the US and Mexico, has declined 90 percent in the last 20 years and may soon be in the endangered species list. Is their extinction imminent? Can they be saved?

Guest: Homero Aridjis, Poet, Pioneering Environmentalist, Co-founder of Grupo de los Cien, Mexico City.

Photo: Gobierno Edomex/Flickr/

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