Lead Poisoning in Los Angeles.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, APRIL 21.
PROGRAM # 7766 12:00 PM PT

Lead Poisoning in Los Angeles.

California Gov. Brown approved funds to help clean up neighborhoods around the Exide plant in East Los Angeles, considered one of the worst cases of pollution in the country. Recent tests found hazardous levels of lead in the soil in most homes and the blood of children in the area. Officials and advocates comment on this news, as well as the state’s cleanup efforts, and the implications of this massive contamination in a heavily Latino neighborhood.

Guests: Mark López, Executive Director, East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice, Los Angeles, CA; Cesar Campos, Supervisor Public Participation, Department of Toxic Substances Control, Los Angeles, CA; Cristina Garcia, State Assembymember, Bell Gardens, CA; Miguel Santiago, Assemblymember, Assembly Majority Whip, Los Angeles, CA (Audio segment).

Photo: ww2.kqed.org

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