Wildfires: the Hotspots.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27
PROGRAM # 9392 12:00 PM PDT

Wildfires: the Hotspots.

California Gov. Newsom signed a $15 billion climate package, the largest such investment in state history, during a visit to the Sequoia National Park, site of a devastating wildfire. The new law will tackle catastrophic wildfires and includes investments in drought response and long-term water resilience, and protect communities against climate risks, including extreme heat. An environmental analyst comments on this topic. Meantime, a state official talks about emergency measures that residents of comunities at risk could take to protect themselves, including connecting to alert systems, having an emergency plan, and making their home more resilient against flying ember attacks. Finally, a community activist urges local authorities in Sonoma County to include immigrant residents in their emergency plans, by addressing linguistic justice, disaster insurance, community observers in workplaces, and a premium pay for those working in hazardous conditions. This program includes latest news from the communities most impacted by the wildfires that are burning in Central California.

Guests: Enrique Huerta, Legislative Director, Climate Resolve, Sacramento, CA; Sacramento, CA; Gustavo Ortiz, Public Information Officer, Office of Crisis Communications, Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, Sacramento, CA; Ana Salgado, Activist for the rights of undocumented immigrants, Santa Rosa, CA

Photo: nationalparkstraveler.org

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