Youth Climate Strikes.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2
PROGRAM # 8707 12:00 PM PT

Youth Climate Strikes.

The United Nations Climate Action Summit ended last week with urgent calls in the streets for action on fossil fuels but few promises from world leaders to take stronger action against global warming. In this program, youth activists comment on the next steps after the global youth climate strike, including the targeting of air travel, and analysts discuss the recent report by UN scientists, who warn that the rate of ocean warming has doubled in the last quarter century because of carbon emissions, and this warming has worsened the impact of hurricanes, altered the food supply and put coastal communities at risk of rising sea levels.

Guests: Javier Sierra, Associate Director of Communications/Columnist, Sierra Club, Washington, D.C ; Helena Gualinga, Young Activist, Sarayaku, Ecuador-


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