Time to Ban Chlorpyrifos?

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MAY 2
PROGRAM # 8598 12:00 PM PT

Time to Ban Chlorpyrifos?

A federal court ordered Trump’s EPA to make a decision by July whether to ban chlorpyrifos, the pesticide widely used in agriculture and which has been linked to neurological damage in children. As the federal government fails to take action, Democrats in Congress introduce a measure for a full ban of chlorpyrifos and some state legislatures are about to vote on a similar bill. In this program, a state senator, a leading farmer, and a community activist discuss the bill advancing in the California senate.

Guests: Sen. María Elena Durazo, D-Los Angeles, California State Senate, Los Angeles, CA; Joe del Bosque, Jr, President, Del Bosque Farms, Firebaugh, CA; Nayamin Martinez; directora, Central California Environmental Justice Network (CCEJN), Fresno, CA.

Photo: earthjustice.org

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