Trade War. Also, Thirsty Communities. Also, Water: Brewery vs. Farms.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, APRIL 26
PROGRAM # 8316 12:00 PM PT

Trade War.

China retaliated with new tariffs on dozens of US farm products after Trump announced increased tariffs on Chinese imports. Since China is the second largest market for US agricultural exports, fruit, nuts and grain farmers are bracing for the hit. While still early, growers are already reporting a drop in the price of their products. What would be the impact on rural economies in the US? Will there be repercussions in the November elections?

Guest: Joe del Bosque, Jr, President, Del Bosque Farms, Firebaugh, CA

Thirsty Communities. California became the first state in the nation to officially recognize the human right to water for sanitary purposes. Still, many communities continue lacking access to drinking water and to public sewage systems. Advocates are drumming up action on this issue.

Guest: Angélica Salceda, Staff Attorney, ACLU Foundation of Northern California, Fresno, CA

Water: Brewery vs. Farms. Mexican farmers in a dry, arid region of the US-Mexico border complain the groundwater from the Mexicali Valley in Baja California aquifer will be depleted if it’s used to supply water to a huge brewery owned by a US Fortune-500 corporation. An analyst comments on this dispute and what he call a case of shady conflict of interest between politicians and business contractors.

Guest: Mauricio Villa, Activist, Mexicali Resiste, Mexicali, BC.


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