Climate Funds to Revitalize Communities.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30
PROGRAM # 8143 12:00 PM PST.

Climate Funds to Revitalize Communities.

Governor Brown signed a climate change bill to continue the cap and trade program, which includes funds for the Transformative Climate Communities initiative to help historically underserved areas to deal with the devastating impact of climate change and pollution. Fresno is only one of three cities that stand to receive millions from the state. The fund is to be invested in a high-poverty area, the most polluted zip code in the state, near the projected high-speed train station which will connect San Francisco and Los Angeles. Long-term residents from the area have doubts. Among the project ideas are parks, bus stations and mixed-use buildings. What’s the grand vision? What impact is this investment expected to have in the city and the region? How engaged is the community in the process? Who should be invested?

Guests: Venise Curry, San Joaquin Valley Regional Director, Communities for a New California Education Fund, Fresno, CA; Grecia Elenes, Policy Advocate, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability, Fresno, CA; Esmeralda Soria, City Councilmember, Fresno, CA.


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