Exxon Predicted Global Warming. Are Gas Stoves Safe? Limits on Soot Pollution.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25
PROGRAM # 9896 12:00 PM PT

Exxon Predicted Global Warming.

A recent study showed that ExxonMobil’s own climate research accurately predicted the pace and severity of global warming. Despite that information, the company chose to publicly cast doubt for decades on climate science findings, including UN-sponsored research. UN leaders say “big oil peddled the big lie” and called on political and business leaders to speed the transition away from fossil fuels.

Are Gas Stoves Safe? A new study showed gas stoves can be harmful to people and linked them to asthma cases in children. Consumer officials in Washington said it would look into banning the kitchen stoves, igniting a firestorm of complaints among Republicans. Should new gas stoves be banned?

Limits on Soot Pollution. The Biden Administration is proposing a rule that would strengthen federal limits on deadly air pollution.The new rule would reduce emissions of industrial soot, one of the most deadly air pollutants that disproportionately harm communities of color, who live near highways, oil wells and industrial areas.

Photo: Megan via Flickr

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