Climate Change Tops Emergency Plans. Also, “Global Wildfire Crisis.”

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, MARCH 3
PROGRAM # 9551 12:00 PM PT

Climate Change Tops Emergency Plans.

In a rebuttal to the previous administration, FEMA, the disaster preparedness agency in the nation, is headlining the climate crisis as a top planning priority. The agency announced plans to help communities to invest in protecting themselves against the damage of climate change, including disaster-resistant building codes and climate literacy programs. The agency is also pledging to focus on equity for underserved communities that are hit hard by disasters.

Guest: Daniel Llargués, National Spokesperson, Federal Emergency Management Agency – FEMA, Washington, DC.

“Global Wildfire Crisis.” A landmark United Nations report has concluded that the risk of devastating wildfires around the world will continue to surge as climate change intensifies a “global wildfire crisis.” According to UN scientists, wildfires are likely to continue to devastate the western United States and even the Arctic. The report proposes investing in climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, especially in the most vulnerable communities, the poor and those of color that are hit the hardest. How is this climate crisis affecting Latino communities? What does it mean for citizens and politicians? A leading scientist talks about this and a proposal before Congress to protect farmworkers from extreme heat waves.

Guest: Dr. Juan Declet-Barreto, Senior Social Scientist for Climate Vulnerability, Union of Concerned Scientists, Silver Spring, MD

Photo: Shayna Douglas via Unsplash

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