Brazil’s Amazon on Fire. Also, Save the Planet: Eat More Plants.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9
PROGRAM # 8690 12:00 PM PT

Brazil’s Amazon on Fire.

One of the world’s largest retailers is joining other companies in suspending leather purchases from Brazil over concerns cattle ranching is causing deforestation and the raging wildfires in the Amazon. An environmental leader talks about the devastation of the historic Amazon fires, their impact on indigenous communities and in the fight against climate change, and the response from right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro.

Guest: Andrew Miller, Advocacy Director, Amazon Watch, Washington, DC.

Save the Planet: Eat More Plants. Eating less red meat and sugar-sweetened drinks will not only make you healthier, but help save the planet, according to a study by international scientists from the United Nations. The co-author of the study talks about how current diets require more land, water and release more carbon emissions. He also comments on the need to radically transform the global food system and end the loss and waste of food. This UN report on reducing red meat consumption to combat global climate change was mentioned in recent Democratic presidential town hall.

Guest: Eduardo Calvo, Co-Chair, Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Lima, Perú.


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