Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JUNE 24
PROGRAM # 9664 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

In a public event President López Obrador opened the archives and clandestine prisons of Military Camp Number 1, a symbol of torture and political disappearances in the years of the “Dirty War.” Micaela, daughter of the legendary guerrilla leader Lucio Cabañas, spoke at the event. In this interview, Micaela acknowledges her father, she talks about the brutal torture sessions her mother was subjected to and comments on the reconciliation process and the demands for justice. On other news, in response to the worsening drought, cities in central and northern Mexico are taking emergency rationing measures to deal with the water shortage crisis. Angry residents of northern Mexico are taking to the streets to protest against water grabbing by large private companies that drain the water supply. A political analyst says the issue is not water shortage, but shortage of water management.

Guests: Micaela Cabañas Ayala, daughter of rural teacher and social activist Lucio Cabañas Barrientos, Atoyac, MX; Joel Carrillo Rivera, Specialist in Hydrogeology, Institute of Geography, UNAM, Mexico City; (Audio Segments) Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico; Luis Cresencio Sandoval, Secretary of National Defense; Alejandro Encinas, President, Truth Commission, Mexico City.


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