Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324(1)FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11
PROGRAM # 9115 12:00 PM PST

Mexico Edition.

An expert on political asylum of Mexicans and the author of the book “Crimen Autorizado” say that the way to explain the predominance of drug cartels, violence and impunity in Mexico is by seen this as a phenomenon of “authorized crime” and a “supplanted state,” since narco gangsters are in many regions the authority that imposes taxes, regulates the economy, oversees public security and enforces the law. They comment on the devastation in Villa Ahumada and the muder of Marisela Escobedo, emblematic cases that show the power and immunity of “authorized crime.” On other topic, womn organizations in Mexico and Latin America are calling on their governments to release a number of incarceated women to protect them against the risk of Covid-19 infection. In Mexico, they call on the federal government to implement the Amnesty Law, passed earlier this year, and release women convicted of drug charges, and on state legislatures to pass laws to release women charged with abortion and indigenous women who were deprived of due process

Guests: Attorney Carlos Spector-Calderón, Expert on Political Asylum Law, Founder of Mexicanos en el Exilio, El Paso, TX; Samuel Schmidt, Political Scientist, Research Fellow, The University of Texas at Austin, Author of “Crimen Autorizado,” Austin, TX; Lucia Espinoza, Member, Colectiva Editorial Hermanas en la Sombra, Estado de Mexico.

Photo: samuel schmidt/Twitter/

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