Extra Edition: Flood Disaster Response.

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, JANUARY 17
PROGRAM # 9887 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Flood Disaster Response.

In California, millions of people have been under evacuation orders or warnings due to heavy rains and widespread floods. A news contributor reports on the plight of the town of Planada and other Central Valley communities that have been under flood waters, and emergency officials advise on existing evacuation alerts and help available for clean up and recovery.

Guest: Esther Quintanilla, News Reporter, KVPR/Central Valley News Collaborative, Fresno, CA; Mary Bastos, Volunteer, The American Red Cross, Fresno, CA; Gustavo Ortiz, Public Information Officer, Office of Crisis Communication and Public Information, Sacramento, CA.

Photo: California Department of Water Resources via Facebook

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