Extra Edition: Repeat Program. Drought and Corporate Water Abuse. Also, Emergency Alerts in Spanish.

PROGRAM # 9494 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: Repeat Program. Drought and Corporate Water Abuse.

A drier and warmer winter is in the forecast for the Pacific Southwest, which means that the two-year drought will continue affecting the region. As farmers drill deeper wells and deplete groundwater, California is preparing for more water restrictions and cutting water supplies to local communities. Some groups are calling on the state to watch Big Ag and Big Oil corporations that drain water supplies and contribute to the climate crisis. In other news, an expert discusses measures to protect the water supplies from the wildfires, after recent fires in Northern California made scientists aware of the widespread chemical contamination in water distribution networks.

Guests: Susana de Anda, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Community Water Center, Visalia, CA; Pablo Ortiz-Partida, Climate Scientist, Union of Concerned Scientists, Davis, CA;

Emergency Alerts in Spanish. Two years ago, California passed a law that requires local and state government agencies to translate their emergency notifications into the most commonly spoken language other than English. The law is intended to ensure that everyone who lives in an area affected by an emergency is aware of the dangers, and responds in time when there are calls to protect people or homes. In compliance with this state law, and in preparation for disasters, the Malibu city government has launched an emergency alert service in Spanish with a quick and easy-to-opt-in text feature. A city official explains the new warning system.

Guest: Luis Flores, Public Safety Liaison, City of Malibu, Malibu, CA.


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