Extra Edition: Overpumping is Depleting Groundwater.

Thursday_673x324 11amTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11
PROGRAM # 9438 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: Overpumping is Depleting Groundwater.

Due to the drought crisis, water in California’s Central Valley is in short supply and some areas are running out of water. As groundwater levels have dropped due to deeper groundwater pumping, small farmers struggle to maintain their livelihoods. A reporter who covered the story shares her findings. On a related topic, a mayor from a city in the Central Valley says that overpumping by large ag companies is leading to drying wells and falling aquifers and this is impacting consumers in small towns; he also said local politicians who are at the same time big owners of farmland are determining water use policy. He also explained the local implementation of state emergency measures to conserve water.

Guests: Nadia Lopez, News Reporter, The Fresno Bee/Central Valley News Collaborative, Fresno, CA; Santos Garcia, Mayor, Madera, CA.

Photo: cen.acs.org

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