Extra Edition: Kidney Disease. Also, California’s Climate Package.

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20
PROGRAM # 9750 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Kidney Disease.

On the national month of awareness of Polycystic Kidney Disease, a distinguished expert talks about the symptoms of this rare kidney disease. In the most common type, the kidney function worsens, eventually leading to kidney failure and possible dialysis or kidney transplant. Often patients are misdiagnosed and treatment delayed. A leading, Harvard-educated nephrologist talks about PKD and other common kidney diseases, including who is most at risk and how to prevent it.

Guest: Dr. Germán Hernández, Nephrologist, Member of the American Society of Nephrology, El Paso, TX.

California’s Climate Package. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law an ambitious package of bills that will solidify California as a leader in the efforts to reduce emissions from fossil fuels. The measures will require the state to become carbon-neutral by 2045, produce 90% of its electricity from clean sources by 2035, create safety zones around oil wells near homes and more. How soon will California be able to see the benefits?

Photo: niddk.nih.gov

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