Extra Edition: California Bans Gas Cars. Repeat Program. Also, Cooling Centers and Needed Heat Relief

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6
PROGRAM # 9736 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: California Bans Gas Cars. Repeat Program.

California bans the sale of new gasoline cars to move the state to zero emissions by 2035. Washington and Massachusetts are announcing similar mandates. What are the challenges ahead for the ambitious state plan? This and other topics are discussed in this edition.

Guests: Dr. Alberto Ayala, Executive Director, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, Adjunct Professor of Engineering at West Virginia University, San Francisco, CA; Javier Sierra, Associate Director of Communications, The Sierra Club, Madrid, Spain/Washington, DC.

Cooling Centers and Needed Heat Relief .  A brutal heat wave is in the forecast this week in central and southern California. This is bad news for residents of rural communities in Fresno County, who don’t have much access to cooling centers. Why are there so few cooling centers in the rural areas? How to survive an extreme heatwave?

Guests: Cassandra Garibay, Reporter, Fresnoland Lab, The Fresno Bee, Fresno,CA; Laura Diaz, Reporter, The Fresno Bee, Fresno, CA.

Photo: Ernest Ojeh via Unsplash

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