Extra Edition: Update on Wildfires.

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7
PROGRAM # 9371 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: Update on Wildfires.

California is bracing for an extended wildfire season. This fire season has been more destructive than last year’s and more fires are forecast for the next few weeks, fueled by a combination of heat, wind and drought. The White House approved a presidential emergency declaration and more federal aid is coming. A state emergency official reports on the battle against the largest active fires, including the challenges of exposure to coronavirus and the fatigue factor among first responders during this long wildfire season, as well as the emotional and physical help available to evacuees who are starting to return to the area. A Red Cross representative comments on the resources in place for impacted communities. On a related topic, Nevada is ranked among the unhealthiest states for air quality and recent wildfires have worsened air pollution. An advocate talks about the spiraling number of cases of asthma, heart attacks, lung cancer and premature death due to worsening air quality, and discusses options to achieve healthy air and protect the health of vulnerable people.

Guests: Gustavo Ortiz, Public Information Officer, Office of Crisis Communications, Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, Sacramento, CA; Melissa Ramos, Manager, Clean Air Advocacy, American Lung Association, Las Vegas, NV; Grace Meinhofer, Spokesperson, American Red Cross, Miami, FL

Photo: Norcal FireWeather/Facebook

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