California Oil Spill and Fracking.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JUNE 4.
PROGRAM # 7536 12:00 PM PT

California Oil Spill and Fracking.

An oil pipeline ruptured and spilled more than 100 thousand gallons of oil along the Pacific coastline near Santa Barbara. California Gov. Brown declared a state of emergency to help clean up the toxic spill. Residents in the disaster area are urging a ban on fracking and are calling to replace oil drilling with clean energy. This program also looks into the debate about the practice of using toxic oil field wastewater to irrigate crops in California’s Central Valley.

Guests: Liz Solorio, Coordinator and Program Associate, Food & Water Watch Activist Network , Oakland, CA; Linda Escalante, Policy Advocate, California and Latino Advocacy Programs, Natural Resources Defense Council, Santa Monica, CA

Photo: Erin Brocovich/Facebook

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