Water Rights and Special Interests. Also, Saving and Managing Water.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MARCH 6
PROGRAM # 9935 12:00 PM PT

Water Rights and Special Interests.

California farm operators are still 90% White and this reality in California’s water rights system impacts the water flows of the SF Bay-Delta. According to watchdogs, these special interests are determining the Delta tunnel project and leaving tribes and communities of color out of the plan.

Guests: Abraham Mendoza, Senior Adviser, Community Water Center, Sacramento, CA; Cintia Cortez, Geologist, Assistant Policy Analyst, Restore the Delta, Stockton, CA.

Saving and Managing Water. California experienced one of the three wettest weeks in many years, following the three driest years in the state’s recorded history. And while recent storms are helping snowpack and reservoirs, groundwater basins will take time to replenish. Climate change is pushing these fluctuations to the extreme. How to better manage water?

Photo: Restore the Delta via Facebook

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