Hate Crimes, Police Abuse. Also, Soil Not Oil.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2
PROGRAM # 8123 12:00 PM PST.

Hate Crimes, Police Abuse.

As the US Senate confirms Christopher Wray as new FBI director, civil rights groups call on the new chief to tackle the growing wave of hate incidents around the nation. Recently, Latino officials in California have been the target of racist death threats. Also, while President Trump advised police officers to rough up their prisoners, police chiefs condemned Trump for endorsing “police brutality.” Listeners also comment on the recent violent arrest of a Mexican woman who was selling flowers without a permit by a Sheriff officer in Riverside, California.

Soil Not Oil. The organizer of an environmentalist conference on climate change in Richmond, CA talks about their efforts to design a grassroots plan of action on how to slow or stop greenhouse gas emissions. He also comments on California Gov. Brown’s law extending the cap-and-trade program and a recent case of mass poisoning of cabbage pickers in California fields reportedly with a chemical that’s linked to neurological damage in people.

Guest: Miguel Robles, Co-Organizer, Soil Not Oil Conference, Portland, OR.

Photo: subversiones.org

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