Of Pesticides and Safe Drinking Water.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JUNE 28
PROGRAM # 8369 12:00 PM PT

Of Pesticides and Safe Drinking Water.

Community leaders from California’s Central Valley discuss efforts to limit pesticide spraying around schools, daycare centers, and homes, and comment on recent news on the debate surrounding the widely used and highly toxic pesticide chlorpyrifos, including Hawaii’s recent ban, becoming the first US state to take action, and Costco’s call to suppliers of fruits and vegetables to end the use of chlorpyrifos. Costco is the second largest retail chain in the world. They also comment on a proposal in Sacramento to create a statewide tax to treat contaminated wells and make water safe to drink. The program includes these and other critical issues impacting impoverished rural communities.

Guests: Byanca Santoyo, Community Organizer, The Center on Race, Poverty & The Environment (CRPE), Delano, CA; Dolores Huerta, President, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Delano, Ca; Gustavo Aguirre, Director of Organizing, The Center on Race, Poverty & The Environment (CRPE), Delano, CA.

Photo: safewater.org

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